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На этой странице приведен список употребляемых аббревиатур.
К сожалению, для большинства переводов Библии не существует официальных аббревиатур, для некоторых есть несколько употребляемых аббревиатур, напр. KJV, KJ, AV для King James Version.
Вашему вниманию предлагается этот список для сведения.

American Standard Bible
NRSVA 1971
New Revised Standard Version Anglicised
Logos 1972
The Logos Bible
NRSV 1989
New Revised Standard Version
NRSV-CE 1993
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
NASU 1995
New American Standard Bible (Updated)
New Revised Standard Version Anglicised Catholic Edition
WEB 1997, 2020
World English Bible
WEBBE 1997, 2020
World English Bible: British Edition
WEB 1997, 2020
World English Bible
RcV 2003
Recovery Version
ESV-UK 2007, 2011
English Standard Version Anglicised
ESV 2007, 2011
English Standard Version
Revision of the 1971 edition of the Revised Standard Version.
NHEB 2010
New Heart English Bible
ESV-GSB 2011
The ESV Global Study Bible
ASV 2014
American Standard Version
ACV 2015
A Conservative Version
ESV-CE 2018
English Standard Version Catholic Edition
NASB 2020
New American Standard Bible
UASV 2022
Updated American Standard Version
ASV 1901
American Standard Bible
RSV 1952
Revised Standard Version
NASB 1971
New American Standard Bible
King James Versions
RSV-2CE 2006
Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition
Ecumenical w/Apocrypha.
WYC 1382
Wycliffe Bible
KJV 1611
King James Version
PCE 1611
King James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition
KJG 1672
King James Version with Geneva Notes
KJ 1769
King James Version
KJV69D 1769
King James Version with Apocrypha
IV 1867
Inspired Version
A revision of the King James Version.
FHB 1890
The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments
With Amendments of the Language.
KJPCE 1900
King James Bible 1611: Pure Cambridge Edition
AV 1914
King James Version with cross references
RNKJV 1934
Restored Names King James Version
TDB 1961
Dartmouth Bible
MKJV 1962
Modern King James Version
KJII 1971
King James II Version
OT 1982.
KJV20 1972
King James Version — Twentieth Century Edition
RCB 1980
Reese Chronological Bible
An arrangement of the King James Version in chronological order.
NKJV 1982
New King James Version
KJ21 1994
21st Century KJV
CKJV 1999
Evidence Bible
AKJV 1999
American King James Version
KJ2 2000
King James 2000
UKJV 2000
Updated King James Version
cKJV 2003
Crossword Project King James Version
DKJB 2004
Defined King James Bible
Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by His Majesty's Special Command.
KJVCE 2005
King James Version — Corrected Edition
KJV 2006
King James Version
KJVA 2010
King James Version with Apocrypha, American Edition
King James Version 1611, spelling, punctuation and text formatting modernized by ABS in 1962.
DNKJB 2011
Divine Name King James Bible
1st ed 2012.
MEV 2014
Modern English Version
WBMS 2014
Wycliffe Bible
BKJV 2019
Breakthrough KJV
WWNT 1745
The Primitive New Testament
WNNT 1796
An Attempt toward revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ
SSNT 1840
The New Testament, translated from the Text of J.J. Griesbach
SPC 1851
Commonly Received Version of The New Testament
RVNT 1881
Comparative New Testament: Old & New Versions in Parallel Cols
CENT 1905
Corrected English New Testament: a Revision of the 'Authorised' version
LVME 1948
Letchworth Version in Modern English
GO 1952
Genesis Octapla
KJC 1998
King James Bible, Clarified New Testament
RKJNT 2000
Revised King James New Testament
BV 2020
Breakthrough Version
New International Version
NIV 1978
New International Version
NIVi 1996
New International Version Inclusive Language Edition
TNIV 2005
Today's New International Version
NIV 2011
New International Version
NIVUK 2011
New International Version UK
RSV-CE 1965
Revised Standard Version Catholic Interconfessional
NRSV-CI 1989
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Interconfessional
NCB 2008
New Community Bible
RNJB 2019
Revised New Jerusalem Bible
AVU 2006
Authorized Version Update
BRG 2012
BRG Bible
AV7 2006
The AV7 Bible
BB 1568
The Bishop's Bible
JST 1830
Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible
BDRL 1936
Bible Designed to Be Read as Literature
TMB 1998
Third Millennium Bible
Minor update of the King James Version.
HSV 2001
Holy Scriptures Version
LHB 2006
Lighthouse Bible
BSV 2009
Bond Slave Version
Revision of the King James Version.
NEV 2011
New European Version of the Bible
Remediation of KJV & ASV.
TRC 1530
Tyndale Bible
William Tyndale Translation.
CVB 1535
Coverdale Bible
TMB 1537
The Matthew Bible
W/NT of William Tyndale.
MSB 1539
Most Sacred Bible
Taverner's Bible
GB 1539
Great Bible
Tyndale-Rogers-Coverdale-Cranmer Bible, Thomas Cromwell Version.
BHS 1568
Bible That Is The Holy Scriptures
The Bible That Is The Holy Scriptures.
Gill 1763
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
AGHB 1792
The Holy Bible, or the Books Accounted Sacred by Jews and Christian
DMT 1799
David Macrae Translation
JMR 1799
Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures
JBHB 1818
Holy Bible
Newly Translated from the Original Hebrew: with Notes Critical and Explanatory.
BOOT 1833
New Family Bible
RWV 1833
Webster Bible
JCHB 1841
Holy Bible
HBRV 1885
Holy Bible Revised Version
PB 1885
Pulpit Bible
The Pulpit Bible.
RV 1885
Revised Version
TNB 1886
Newberry Bible
The Englishman's Bible.
NBG 1890
Numberical Bible
DBY 1890
Darby Bible
The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J. N. Darby.
ERB 1902
Emphasized Bible
ABPS 1912
The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments: An Improved Edition
SBK 1918
The Shorter Bible
HBW 1923
Holy Bible
AAT 1931
The Complete Bible: An American Translation
The Old Testament, The Apocrypha, and the New Testament.
LBP 1933
Aramaic of The Peshitta: Lamsa
WVSS 1935
Westminster Version
CB 1941
Confraternity Bible
BRB 1950
Bible Revised
ASB 1956
A Short Bible
PES 1957
The Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts
Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Co. The New Testament was published in 1940. Based on the Syriac Peshitta version.
NAB 1970
New American Bible
TSB 1971
The Story Bible
TPB 1973
Poetic Bible
LXXCT 1808
Thomson LXX & NT
WMF 1975
Word Made Fresh
TDB 1980
Distilled Bible
ABC 2002
Apostles' Bible Complete
RDB 1982
Reader's Digest Bible
Condensed RSV.
HOB 2003
Holy Orthodox Bible
ABT 1987
The Targums
The Aramaic Bible.
EOB 2011
Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible
CCB 1988
Christian Community Bible
GWN 1988
God's Word to the Nations Version
DBP 1989
Dramatized Bible
REV 1989
Revised English Version®
BSH 1992
Bible Summarized Handbook
AHHS 1995
Holy Scriptures
CTH 1995
According to the Coptic text by G. Horner 1911
DRB 1609
Douay-Rheims Bible
Translated from Latin Vulgate.
RWB 1995
Revised Webster Update
DRB 1752
Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision
Translated from Latin Vulgate.
SISR 1996
Scriptures (ISR)
Names replaced by Hebraic names.
KNOX 1949
Knox Bible
CEVUK 1997
Contemporary English Version (Anglicised Version)
KNX 1955
The Holy Bible; A Translation from the Latin Vulgate in the Light of the Hebrew and Greek Originals
NCNT 1997
New Covenant Commonly Called the New Testament
ARA 1998
Aramaic Bible
RV 1895
Revised Version with Apocrypha
SSFOY 2000
Sacred Scriptures. Family of Yah Edition
CCD 1958
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation w/Apocrypha
UPDV 2000
Updated Bible Version
JB 1966
The Jerusalem Bible
EJB 2000
English Jubilee Bible
TBR 1969
Bible Reader
AEB 2001
An American English Bible
NEB 1970
The New English Bible
CE 2003
Clementine Edition
TAB 1971
The abbreviated Bible
ABP 2003
Apostolic Bible Polyglot
English Text.
NJB 1985
New Jerusalem Bible
Roman Catholic.
GAN 2004
Good as New
A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures.
DSSB 1999
Dead Sea Scrolls Bible
The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time into English.
IB 2004
Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation
NCPB 2005
New Cambridge Paragraph Bible w/Apocrypha
Previous ed 1873.
RSTNE 2004
Restoration Scriptures: True Name Edition
CPDV 2009
Catholic Public Domain Version
HCSB 2004
Holman Christian Standard Bible
NABRE 2011
New American Bible (Revised Edition)
RHB 2004
Restored Holy Bible
DTE 2005
The Writ. Dabhar Translation
NJV 2005
The New Jubilees Version The Beloved and I: The Sacred Scriptures in English Verse
NET 2005
New English Translation with Full Notes
CEV 2006
Contemporary English Version (with Apocrypha)
Second Edition.
MGB 2007
Manga Bible
CPB 2008
Biblia Polyglotta Complutense
Комплютенская Полиглотта
123 of 600 printed survived.
TFB 2008
Free Bible
CBP 2009
Conservative Bible Project
EXB 2009
Expanded Bible
LOL 2010
LOLCat Bible
LOLCat Bible Translation Project.
CGV 2010
Context Group Version
LEB 2010
The Lexham English Bible
ISV 2011
International Standard Version
BRB 2020
Berean Reader's Bible
BSB 2016, 2020
Berean Standard Bible
CEB 2011
Common English Bible
HHBT 2012
Hebrew Heritage Bible Translation
MB 2012
Mirror Bible
TBE 2012
Transparent English Bible
The Original Bible Project.
TVB 2012
The Voice (Bible translation)
t4t 2014
Translation for Translators
CSB 2017
Christian Standard Bible
RGT 2019
Revised Geneva Translation
Буквальный перевод
APB 1764
A New and Literal Translation of All the Books of the Old and New Testament with Notes Critical and Explanatory
2 Vols.
QB 1764
Quaker Bible
YLT 1862
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible
SLT 1876
Julia E. Smith Parker Translation
The first Bible translation by a woman.
YLT 1898
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible
FF 1903
Ferrar Fenton Bible
Ferrar Fenton Bible.
CV 1926
Concordant version
The version resembles Young's Literal Translation, being hyper-literal, but it was evidently designed to support Knoch's peculiar teachings, which included such heretical doctrines as Universalism, 'soul sleep,' Arminian soteriology, and Arian Christology. He avoids orthodox interpretations by various means, as for example in his treatment of the Greek word aionios ('eternal'). Knoch translates this word 'eonian' instead of 'eternal,' and explains in his writings that this adjective should be understood in the sense 'pertaining to the æon' or 'age-long.' By this means he obscures the biblical teaching on the soul's immortality and the eternal punishment of the unredeemed. Knoch had no formal education in the biblical languages.
LIT 1985
A Literal Translation of The Bible
AMPC 1987
Amplified Bible Classic Edition
Расширенный перевод Библии с пояснениями.
LITV 1993
Green's Literal Translation
MLV 1999
Modern Literal Version
Holy Bible, Modern Literal Version
KJ3 2006
King James 3 — The Literal Translation
VW 2006
A Voice in the Wilderness
LEV 2014
Literal English Version of Scripture
Shem Qadosh Version.
AMP 2015
Amplified Bible
Расширенный перевод Библии с пояснениями.
LSV 2020
Literal Standard Version
SET 1996
Stone Edition of the Tanach
Side-by-side Hebrew and English.
ALB 2009
A Literary Bible: An Original Translation
JMNT 1795
A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek, of All the Apostolical Epistles
Edinburgh and London. First published in four volumes from 1787-1795. A second edition, in six volumes, was published in London by Longmans & Co., 1806, and in Boston by W. Wells and T.B. Wait & Co., 1810. Reprints of the second edition in one large volume were later published in Philadelphia, 1835 and 1841. The most recent reprint (of the one-volume edition) was issued by Baker Book House in Grand Rapids, 1984. The text of MacKnight’s translation, minus the notes, was reprinted in The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek, by G. Campbell, P. Doddridge and J. MacKnight. London: John Lepard, 1818. This text was revised by Alexander Campbell for his edition of the New Testament published in 1826. Another similar edition containing MacKnight’s translation, unrevised, was published in London by Wightman and Cramp in.
GENT 1823
H KAINH DIAQHKH. The New Testament, in Greek and English
YLR 1898
Young's Literal Translation, Revised Edition
A strictly literal translation.
CLNT 1966
The Concordant Literal New Testament
AUV 1995
An Understandable Version
ALT 1999
Analytical Literal Translation
LTNTB 2008
Literally Translated New Testament Bible
DLNT 2011
Disciples’ Literal New Testament
LSP 1906
Letters of St. Paul
SNT 1947
Swann New Testament
A literal translation.
Ветхий Завет
LXXBR 1851
Septuagint Greek & English
LXXRH 1860
OT hebrew into greek w/Apocrypha.
NETS 2007
New English Translation of the Septuagint
LXX-US 2012
Septuagint in American English
LXXE 2012
English version of the Septuagint Bible
LES 2013
Lexham English Septuagint
LOT 1853
Leeser Old Testament
CROT 1859
A Revised Translation of the Old Testament
HSOC 1859
Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant
London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts. A limited revision of the KJV. Volume 1 (1859) contains the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Vol. 2 (1861) contains the books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job and Psalms. Vol. 3 (1862) contains Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Prophets. Wellbeloved is the reviser of the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Minor Prophets. Smith is the reviser of Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Lamentations. Porter is the reviser of Kings, Chronicles, Ezekiel and Daniel.
SHST 1865
Sharpe's Hebrew Scriptures Translated
London: J. Russell Smith. A light revision of the KJV Old Testament, by an English Unitarian. Genesis 1:2 is translated “and the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters,” eliminating the reference to the Spirit of God. Sharpe (1799-1881) had published his own version of the New Testament in 1840. A detailed account of Sharpe’s life and work is given in Peter W. Clayden, Samuel Sharpe: Egyptologist and Translator of the Bible (London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1883).
HSOT 1885
Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew
ARTB 2006
Ancient Roots Translinear Bible (OT)
THF 2018
The heavenly fire OT
Детская Библия
CKJV 1962
The Children's King James Bible
Children's Version of The Holy Bible.
WPE 1963
New Testament in Plain English
PEB 1978
Plain English Bible
Simple English Bible q.v. SEB.
NCV 1987
New Century Version
Библия для детей на простом английском.
WGCIB 2010
Work of God Children Illustrated Bible
ICB 2015
International Children’s Bible
Для женщин
WB 1895
The Woman’s Bible
Для мужчин
TLB-EMB 2004
Every Man's Bible: New Living Translation
thousands of notes on topics just for men―work, sex, competition, integrity, and more.
Для подростков
OCB 1927
Older Children’s Bible
Живой перевод
LONT 1826
The Living Oracles
Alexander Campbell's Living Oracles New Testament.
NLV 1969
New Life Version
TLB 1971
The Living Bible
EVD 1978
English Version for the Deaf Holy Bible
Aka Easy-to-Read Version ERV.
TB 1984
The Book
Special ed. of the Living Bible 1971.
NIrV 1996
New International Reader's Version
GLW 1996
God's Living Word
IEB 1998
International English Bible
Aka Simple English Bible q.v. SEB.
ERV 2005
Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version
NLT 2007
New Living Translation
NLT-CE 2016
New Living Translation Catholic Edition
Иудейские переводы
JSFB 1864
Jewish School and Family Bible
BOY 1933
The Book of Yahweh: The Holy Scriptures
JBFR 1956
Jewish Bible for Family Reading
HNB 1963
Holy Name Bible
SNB 1976
Sacred Name Bible
The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible.
SSBE 1981
Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition
Restored sacred names Assemblies of Yahweh based on the American Standard Version.
TLS 1982
The Living Scriptures: Paraphrased
Messianic Edition of the Living Bible.
CJB 1989
Complete Jewish Bible
WMB 1997
World Messianic Bible
NMV 2000
New Messianic Version Bible
TS 2000
The Scriptures
WMB 2000
World Messianic Bible
WMBB 2000
World Messianic Bible British Edition
HRV 2001
Hebraic-Roots Version Scriptures
IAV 2001
Israeli Authorized Version
OJB 2002
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Tanakh and Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha.
WOY 2003
Word of Yahweh
Base Text - King James Version 1611.
ZSMS 2004
Zikarown Say'fer Memorial Scroll
HRB 2009
Hebraic Roots Bible
A Literal Translation.
HS 2009
HalleluYah Scriptures
NHEB-JM 2010
New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jesus Messiah)
NHEB-ME 2010
New Heart English Bible Messianic Edition
NHEB-Y 2010
New Heart English Bible (Yahweh Edition)
NHEB-YS 2010
New Heart English Bible (YHWH Sabaoth Edition)
NHEB 2015, 2021
New Heart English Bible
NOG 2011
Names of God Bible
TLV 2012
Tree of Life Version
The Tree of Life Bible Version (New Covenant).
MNT 1950
New Testament of our Messiah and Saviour Yahshua
Sacred Name Version.
ANT 1958
The Authentic New Testament
Edited and translated from the Greek for the general reader.
GNT 1989
God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation
SNT 1996
Semitic New Testament
APNT 2009
Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Messianic Version
WMTH-JM 2013
New Weymouth Version NT: Jesus Messiah Edition
WNE 1755
Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament by John Wesley
New Edition 1813.
JPSA1 1862
Torah: The Five Books of Moses
JPS 1917
JPS Version
JPOT 1917
Old Testament Masoretic Text
HSM 1960
Holy Scriptures (Menorah)
Jewish Family Bible.
JPSA2 1978
Prophets: Nev'im
TLT 1981
The Living Torah A New Translation Based On Traditional Jewish Sources
JPSA3 1982
Writings: Kethubim
NJPS 1985
New JPS Version
Complete English Tanakh.
TNK 1985
Tanakh: A New Translation of The Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text
JPS 1995
TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures.
TSB 1995
The Five Books of Moses: A New Translation with Introductions, Commentary, and Notes
TLN 1996
The Living Nach
FBM 2004
The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary
SPE 2013
Samaritan Pentateuch in English
MATS 2014
Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures
На простом языке
BWE 1959
Bible In Worldwide English
NSNT 1961
Norlie's Simplified New Testament w/Psalms
BBE 1965
Bible in Basic English
The Basic Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments in Basic English.
GNB 1976
Good News Bible
Today's English Version.
TEB 1980
The Easy Bible
GNT-CE 1992
Good News Bible Catholic Edition
Today's English Version.
GW 1995
God's Word
Today’s English Version, Second Edition.
KJVer 2001
Holy Bible: King James Version Easy Reader
KJVer (Easy Reader).
GNT 2001
Good News Translation (US Version)
Today’s English Version, Second Edition.
HNC 2002
Holy New Covenant
NSBJ 2003
New Simplified Bible Jehovah Version
FBV 2003
The Free Bible Version
NSB 2004
New Simplified Bible
EE 2005
EasyEnglish Bible
1200 word vocabulary.
SENT 2008
Spoken English New Testament
A New Translation from the Greek.
FBVNT 2018
Free Bible Version New Testament with Psalms
SKJV 2022
Simplified King James Version
Новый Завет
WNT 1770
John Worsley's New Testament
WTNT 1791
A Translation of the New Testament
Featured a paragraphed text with verse numbers in the margin. Wakefield was a prominent Unitarian minister.
THNT 1795
A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek
An original version by one of the founders of the London Missionary Society.
OGNT 1798
A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek
The collaborating “men of piety and literature” were all of Universalist convictions. They included James Creighton (Anglican), William Vidler (Universalist), and John Cue (Sandemanian).
IVNT 1808
The New Testament, in an Improved Version, upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's New Translation
An American edition was distributed by William Wells of Boston in 1809. A fourth London edition 'with corrections and additions' was printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor in 1817. This Unitarian revision of Newcome's version (1796) provoked much indignation when it appeared.
WNT 1812
Williams New Testament
A Translation in the Language of the People New Testament.
JEFF 1820
New Testament
Jefferson Bible. or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.
CVNT 1827
The New Testament in the Common Version, Conformed to Griesbach's Standard Greek Text
RDNT 1833
A New and Corrected Version of the New Testament
Boston: Lilly, Wait, Colman and Holden.
PSNT 1846
The Peschito Syriac New Testament
GNLJ 1849
The Good news of Our Lord Jesus, the Anointed
JHNT 1856
New Testament
NTJC 1860
New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
HANT 1863
New Testament for English Readers
KNT 1863
New Testament being the English Only of the Greek and English Testament
EDW 1864
The Emphatic Diaglott
ABU 1865
American Bible Union Version
New Testament ABU.
CNT 1867
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: with Explanatory Notes and Practical
RTNT 1869
Revised Translation of the New Testament
GRN 1869
Noyes' New Testament
The New Testament: Translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf, by George R. Noyes, D.D., Hancock Professor of Hebrew and Other Oriental Languages, and Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Literature, in Harvard University.
JBNT 1870
New Testament
RNT 1877
New Testament
CBNT 1881
Compact Bible The New Testament in fewer words
1st edition.
SCNT 1881
Sinai and Comparative New Testament
DBY 1890
Darby Bible
The Holy Scriptures A New Translation from the Original Languages.
PNT 1891
People's New Testament
NDNT 1897
The New Dispensation
The New Dispensation.
NTE 1897
New Testament Emphasized
CVNT 1898
Coptic Version of the New Testament
TGNT 1902
Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek
The Godbey New Testament.
UNT 1909
University New Testament
The University New Testament in Modern Historical and Literary Form, for the Church, the School, and the Home, Embracing the Life of Jesus.
NTM 1913
New Testament
NumNT 1914
Numeric English New Testament
The New Testament from the Greek text as established by Bible Numerics.
RNT 1914
Restored New Testament
According to ancient philosophy and psychology.
LMNT 1915
Literary Man’s New Testament
RNT 1923
The Riverside New Testament
CTNT 1924
The Centenary Translation of the New Testament
Montgomery New Testament.
COM 1926
Comprehensive New Testament
CBNT 1928
Christian’s Bible — New Testament
RWP 1930
Word Pictures in the New Testament
DNT 1934
Documents of the New Testament
WIL 1937
The New Testament: In the Language of the People
NTAT 1938
The New Testament A Translation
TNTT 1938
New Testament--Translation
NTV 1955
The New Testament in Verse: From the Bible in Verse
NNT 1961
Noli New Testament
Based on the traditional Greek Byzantine text.
WET 1961
The New Testament: An Expanded Translation
This is a one-volume edition of a translation which was first published in 3 volumes, 1956-59, under the title, Wuest's Expanded translation of the Greek New Testament.
LNT 1962
The New Testament
JPNT 1972
Jesus People New Testament
A New Translation in Modern English.
CCNT 1977
The Christian Counselors New Testament
A New Translation in Everyday English with Notations ..
JAVNT 1978
New Testament Judean & Authorized Version
PBNT 1978
New Testament Picture Bible
The New Testament Picture Bible
Hoth & Le Blanc.
VNT 1980
Variorum Edition of the New Testament
BNC 1984
Book of the New Covenant
WPNT 1986
Word of Promise (next generation) New Testament
MCT 1988
McCord's New Testament
Translation of the Everlasting Gospel.
CLBV 1989
The Clarified Bible: New Testament
NETNT 1992
New Evangelical Translation
Holy Bible New Testament.
ABNT 1995
The African Bible
New Testament Family Edition.
AIV 1995
New Testament and Psalms: An Inclusive Version
ANCJ 1996
Aramaic New Covenant
A translation and transliteration of the New Covenant.
DRP 1998
Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments
TCE 1999
The Common Edition New Testament
OONT 2003
New Testament In Its ORIGINAL ORDER: A Faithful Version
UNT 2003
Unvarnished New Testament
TSNT 2004
Source New Testament
Extensive notes on Greek word meaning.
FAA 2005
Far Above All
GBNT 2005
Great Book New Testament
BLB 2006
Better Life Bible New Testament
TNT 2008
Translator's New Testament
JMNT 2010
Jonathan Mitchell New Testament
A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version.
SBLNT 2010
Greek New Testament SBL Edition
BOOKS 2011
The Books of the Bible NT
EMTV 2011
English Majority Text Version
NTE 2011
The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation
1st ed.
AENT 2012
Aramaic English New Testament
WTNT 2012
Wilton Translation of the New Testamnet
WPNT 2015
Wilbur Pickering’s New Testament
BV 2016
The Sovereign Creator Has Spoken
NMB 2016
New Matthew Bible
EHV 2017
Evangelical Heritage Version, New Testament & Psalms
TPT 2017
The Passion Translation
LSNT 1893
The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Translated out of the original Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised.
SCM 1941
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
KLNT 1954
The New Testament Rendered from the Original Greek with Explanatory Notes
Based on the Greek text edited by the Jesuit scholar José Bover, in Novi Testamenti Biblia Graeca et Latina (Madrid).
INT 1994
The Inclusive New Testament
Produced by dissident Roman Catholics.
GJNT 1534
New Testament
OSJC 1552
New Testament of Our Saviour Jesu Christe
CNT 1611
The New Covenant
Based on the so-called 'Western' readings noted in the Greek Nestle text (4th edition). Other editions appeared, e.g., in 1919 published by by T. Foster Unwin of London under the title, The Adelphi New Testament; and in 1926 under the title, The Western New Testament.
NVNT 1726
New Version of All the Books of the New Testament
MNT 1729
New Testament in Greek and English
London: for J. Roberts.
SIMO 1730
New Testament
JWNT 1755
John Wesley New Testament
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament.
WYNN 1764
New Testament
Carefully Collated with the Greek and Corrected.
EHNT 1768
A Liberal Translation of the New Testament
Отдельные книги, неполные переводы
PSTS 1812
Certayne Psalmes chose out of the Psalter
PSSH 1812
Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre
LEP 1864
Life and Epistles of St. Paul
PSI 1886
Praise Songs of Israel
A New Rendering of the Book of Psalms.
NTG 1890
Translation of the Gospels
GWC 1915
The Trench Epistles GWC
BBC 1920
Black Bible Chronicles
THR 1920
Book of Amos
TFG 1933
The Four Gospels
A New Translation.
ILNT 1956
Inspired Letters In Clearest English
SOS 1959
Song of Songs
AHG 1992
Alba House Gospels (Catholic)
SV 1992
Scholars Version
A.k.a. Five Gospels; four gospels & Gospel of Thomas.
L21 1996
Living Water: The Gospel of John
Открытая Библия
OEB 2010
Open English Bible, New Testament and Psalms
OEBUS 2010
Open English Bible, New Testament and Psalms
US spelling.
OEBw 2010
Open English Bible, New Testament (Commonwealth Spellings)
UDB 2018
Unlocked Dynamic Bible
ULB 2017
Unlocked Literal Bible
ULT 2024
unfoldingWord Literal Text
UST 2024
unfoldingWord Simplified Text
FMHB 1850
Holy Bible
LAS 1861
The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments
CW 1994
Clear Word
Non-official Seventh-day Adventist.
CEV 1995
Contemporary English Version
Also known as Bible for Today's Family.
FE 1756
Family Expositor
First published in 6 volumes. Volume 1, “Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony,” was printed by John Wilson in London, 1739. Volume 2, continuing the Gospels, appeared in 1740. Volume 3, containing the Acts of the Apostles, was printed by J. Waugh, 1748. Doddridge died in 1751, but he had completed the whole work in manuscript, and the remaining volumes were published by J. Waugh under the care of Job Orton. Volume 4, containing the Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians, was published in 1753; volumes 5 (Galatians to Philemon) and 6 (Hebrews to Revelation) appeared in 1756. There were many subsequent reprint editions.
WB 1895
Welcome Bible
Based on the Textus Receptus, NonCommercial.
WAS 1904
Worrell New Testament
TLP 1965
The Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase
WBNT 1969
A New Translation
A free translation with moderate interpretation, verging on paraphrase.
Rem 2005
The Remedy
The Remedy New Testament Expanded Paraphrase In Everyday English
INT 2020
The Interpreted New Testament: An Expanded Paraphrase
Дэниел М. Бёргер
IB 1976
Interlinear Bible Hebrew/Greek/English
GRBNT 1974
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament
MRINT 2011
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament
iESVTH 2017
The Interliniar English-Greek New Testament
ESV + GNT Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge.
OCT 2019
MCT Octuagint
ILT 1951
Interlinear Literal Translation of the Hebrew Old Testament
With the King James Version and the Revised Version Conveniently Placed in the Margins for Ready Reference, and with Explanatory Textural Footnotes, Supplemented by Tables of the Hebrew Verb, and the Hebrew Alphabet.
Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament with Strong's Number
Ивритско-английский подстрочный перевод
VRGS 1980
Versified Rendering of the Complete Gospel Story
MSG 1993, 2002
The Message
The Bible in Contemporary Language.
Современные переводы Библии
WBMS 1870
Wisdom Books in Modern Speech
MRB 1907
Modern Reader's Bible
MNTB 1922
A New Translation
Containing the Old and New Testaments.
MLB 1959
Modern Language Bible
The Holy Bible, The Berkeley Version in Modern English. Revision of Berkeley Version BVNT of 1945.
NMB 1999
New Millenium Bible
A contemporary English translation.
MASV 2008
Modern American Standard Version
MAB 1901
The New Testament. The Modern American Bible
The modern American Bible: the books of the Bible in modern American form and phrase, with notes and introduction.
WNT 1903
Weymouth New Testament
The New Testament in Modern Speech.
TCNT 1904
Twentieth Century New Testament
JBP 1958
The New Testament in Modern English
SN-KJ 2005
Sacred Name King James Bible
Толковая Библия
Niobe 2009
Niobi Study Bible
ESB 1978
Easy Study Bible: New Testament
RSB 2011
Restoration Study Bible
OSB 2008
Orthodox Study Bible
Original OT, NT is New King James Version.